What is a Principal Contractor?
Contractor Management

What is a Principal Contractor?

A Principal Contractor of a construction project is defined by Work Health & Safety (WHS) legislation. By default, a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) that commissions a construction project is the Principal Contractor. However, they may appoint another PCBU as a principal contractor at different stages of the

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Cm3 for Insurance Company Contractor Management and Prequalification
Contractor Management

Contractor Management for Insurance Companies

Insurance companies require the use of contractors for handling repair and restoration work from claims. As the entity engaging the contractor to perform the work, insurers have direct, albeit shared, responsibility for the safety of the work being conducted and the delivered product. Having a cohort of trusted suppliers and

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Cm3 Tools to Manage COVID-19 Contractor Risks
Contractor Management

Tools to Manage COVID-19 Contractor Risks

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have had to become flexible and adaptive in the way they operate. This is important for business continuity and the protection of the health and safety of employees and site visitors. Contractors are also covered by the obligations on a person conducting

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Cm3 to Recognise External Certifications From Accredited Auditors
Cm3 Updates

Cm3 Recognises External Certifications From Accredited Auditors

On 6 December 2021, Cm3 released an exciting new development to benefit contractors who hold external certifications for Occupational Health and Safety, or a national self-insurer licence. This marked the transition to the practice of maintaining a separate category of assessment for businesses that have significantly invested in their safety

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