In Australia, organisations or organisational groups with a consolidated revenue over $100m have obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) to publicly disclose the efforts they take to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from their supply chain. Annual Modern Slavery Statements set out the actions they are taking to assess and address modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains.

Read: What is a Modern Slavery Statement?


How Scentre Group Utilises Cm3

Scentre Group manages an expansive portfolio of Westfield Living Centres housing more than 12,000 retailers valued at $50 billion. In their most recent Modern Slavery Statement, the group detailed how they utilise Cm3 Contractor Safety Management and Prequalification Platform to assist in their procurement and assessment of contractors.

“We use a pre-qualification platform called Cm3 to conduct risk assessments of a large number of our suppliers. Cm3 pre-qualifies companies by working directly with them to understand how they meet safety risk management standards and ensure ongoing compliance. This helps us take a risk-based approach to identifying those suppliers at a higher risk of modern slavery occurring in their operations and supply chains.

In addition to our identified high risk suppliers, suppliers who are pre-qualified using Cm3 also complete a modern slavery self-assessment questionnaire as part of our on-boarding and prequalification process.

In 2021, Scentre Group will review the results of these self assessments, to identify any additional areas of high risk, the level of supplier understanding and engagement about the risk of modern slavery, and use this review to inform our approach for further supplier engagement.”

Source: Scentre Group 2020 Modern Slavery Statement


Cm3 and Ethical Sourcing & Contractor Management

Cm3 has a number of built in tools that can assist the collection of information about Vendors (including Contractors and Suppliers) required to meet reporting requirements under the Modern Slavery Act 2018. Clients using Cm3 to prequalify contractors and suppliers have multiple options to request information or obtain confirmation of their practices including:

  • Ethical Sourcing Questionnaire
  • Customised Surveys for Further Due Diligence
  • Dashboards & Reporting
  • Flagging of Potential Risk Issues
  • Education & Awareness

Learn more about Cm3’s Ethical Sourcing module